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Genesis 1: The Creation of the World

God makes the world in six days and records it in a way that reflects how God works in the salvation of man.

Short Summary

  • Genesis is a name taken from the Greek and signifies “the book of generation.” This is a good name since it contains an account of the origin of things. Many of the ancient writings and epics confirm the legitimacy of what is related in the book of Genesis.

  • We begin with the inspired account of the creation of the universe in six days by God.

  • Although we are not introduced to the Trinity, with the help of the NT, we can see what theologians refer to as the economy of the Trinity. The Father creates by the agency of the Son (see John 1; Hebrews 1), who works by the power of the Spirit.


  • This is God’s account of the creation of the world. But how the Spirit records the details illustrates the gospel of new creation in Christ.

  • vv. 2–4. Man by nature needs the gospel because he is a spiritual void. There is no life, no light, no grace without the operation of the Spirit of God who works in tandem with the Word of God. The natural state of man is darkness and needs the light of the world, even Jesus.

  • cf. v. 3 with v. 16. See how light precedes the sun and the moon. This reminds us that all light emanates from God, but that He uses instruments to shine forth and reflect light. This is akin to how Christ teaches us in the Sermon on the Mount to be the light of the world.

  • v. 26. After God makes everything else, the crown of creation comes about when God says, "Let us make man in our image." God is spirit, so how can our bodies reflect Him? We can speak of man's intellectual and creative capacities, e.g. God is musical (Zeph. 3:17). Thus man is musical. But, the emphasis of God's image in man must be upon that which Christ restores. Namely, knowledge, righteousness, and true holiness (Eph. 4:24; Col. 3:10). Knowledge, i.e. all the knowledge man needed to fulfill every aspect of his calling. Righteousness, i.e. he had straightness of outward character according to God's character. True holiness, i.e. his inner affections were all regulated to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.


  1. We learn everything is fruitful. God made it to be so. But our Lord Jesus reminds us in John 15, that herein is our Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit. We must endeavor to be fruitful in graces and good works.

  2. As the world begins with light, so each of our days must begin with the light of the world.

  3. There is also a lesson for the end of our day. After each day, God reviews His work and declares it good. At the end of our day we ought to review the day. We will find much that is not good, much that must be put right. Put wrongs right within the family and let not the sun go down upon your wrath.

  4. Our experience in this world will be a mixture of darkness and light until we are brought into the place where there is no need of the sun or the moon, for the glory of God lightens it and the Lamb is the light thereof. Our spiritual, physical, relational, financial experience is a mixture of darkness and light.

  5. God’s chief end is to glorify Himself. That sustains Him in perpetual joy. Thus, our responsibility is the same: “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created” (Rev. 4:11). We have no higher calling than to glorify God.

  6. There are greater lights and lesser lights. Fathers and mothers, you are to be the greater lights in the home, leading by example in all that we have covered.

  7. Finally, the future of this world is in man’s hands. In the hands of Adam, it was precarious. In the hands of Christ, it is safe.


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Family Worship Companion
Armen Thomassian